A Most Unlikely Reunion: Three Sisters Meet for the First Time Ever on a Flight

Customer Stories
30 May 2017
by Ancestry

Texas native Ann Burrage wanted to find out if she had any Native American heritage. So she took an AncestryDNA test.

Her discovery was shocking: Ann and her sister Lynn had another sibling they never knew about –  in England.

The story of their reunion is one of the most unlikely family reunions ever. Take a look:

Where the Story Began

The father of all three sisters was an American soldier during World War II.  He returned home from overseas service, not realizing he had left a child behind.

Group of soldiers infront of airplane during World War II.


A Father Gone But Never Forgotten

Ann and Lynn were raised by a very loving father. Meanwhile their English-born half-sister Mandy had been adopted, never knowing much about her father’s side of the family.

Young Ann and Lynn with their father.

By the time the sisters took their DNA tests and found each other, he had unfortunately passed away. But for the sisters Ann and Lynn, discovering their sister Mandy overseas was a reminder of dad.

“We’re just thrilled to find another little piece of him out there.”

And for Mandy, the discovery provided a deep connection to her father as well. In her words:

“I’ll never know my dad, but they’re the next best thing.”

The Big Surprise

Ann and Lynn thought they were flying to the UK to meet their sister Mandy. But British Airways had a big surprise for them! Watch the video:

What Family Stories are Hidden in Your DNA?

We may not all have long lost sisters across the Atlantic. But we do have family histories filled with stories we probably never imagined.

Seize the moment and take an AncestryDNA test. There’s no telling what you might discover.