What Makes You, You?

13 March 2017
by Ancestry

A few times a week, YouTube star Jack Douglass asks his 2.7 million YouTube channel subscribers a question.

He then shares their most interesting answers the following day, in an episode of Yesterday I Asked You (YIAY).

His fascinating question in YIAY #310: In percentages, what makes you, you?

Screenshot of Yesterday I Asked You episode.

He got some pretty amusing answers, including:

26% body fat. 74% also body fat. 

Screenshot of Yesterday I Asked You episode.

10% Fashionable. 10% Flawless. 10% Athletic. 70% Liar. 

Screenshot of Yesterday I Asked You episode.

33% Compulsive. 33% Compulsive. 33% Compulsive. 1% Perfectionist.

Screenshot of Yesterday I Asked You episode.

Jack’s YouTube viewers did not disappoint. And in return, he revealed his percentages – his heritage percentages, based on his AncestryDNA test.

Jack was hoping to see his Irish heritage, since for his family,

“St. Patrick’s Day is a really, really big event for us every year.”

He flies back to Maryland, and they go out all day. He looks forward to it every year.

Jack's family wearing green in celebration of St. Patrick's Day.

AND he’s even taken a family trip to Ireland. So he was really, really hoping to see his blood ran Irish.

His ethnicity estimate revealed he was in fact 52% Irish.

Jack's Ethnicity Estimate.

But his test also revealed a surprise: His ethnicity estimate for the region Italy/Greece was 11%.

Jack's Ethnicity Estimate highlighting Italy/Greece DNA.

Jack’s conclusion:

“So looking at these results and confirming that yes I am mostly Irish really makes me feel good…Then there are surprises like I’m 11% Italian/Greek. I didn’t know that. I never would have known that if I hadn’t taken this DNA kit. So that’s why I like Ancestry. It confirmed what I knew but also kind of gave me a little surprise.”

What ethnic mix makes you, you? Take an AncestryDNA test to find out!