What Does It Mean to Be Mexican?

17 October 2017
by Ancestry

Blanca is originally from Mexico City and has always identified as Mexican.

But when she moved to the US at the age of 16, she realized not everyone saw her that way.

To change the conversation about identity, Blanca took an AncestryDNA test as part of the DNA Discussion Project.

We were fascinated and asked her a few questions to learn more about her story.

What was the biggest surprise about your AncestryDNA test results?

My biggest surprise? I want to say Africa, but we all come from there. Maybe the 4% Jewish?

Blanca's AncestryDNA ethnicity estimate.


Do you feel like others have ever tried to define who you are? 

The way I heard it, I didn’t look Mexican. There was a bit of a clash between how I thought of myself and how others saw me.

In Mexico we have a lot of different backgrounds, we just don’t talk about it. And to be confronted, that was new.

Will you now define yourself differently?

I now have a lot of new information to make me and my family richer.

It’s cooler to know what being Mexican means. It gives new meaning to what I’m going to describe myself as.

What will you discover about your ethnic mix? Take an AncestryDNA test and find out.