Can DNA Make You See Yourself Differently?

17 October 2017
by Ancestry

All of her life, Kimberly had wondered about her ethnic mix.

She had a lot of unanswered questions before taking a DNA test.

Still frame of Kimberly from video.

It turns out, Kimberly’s story is really unique.

She shared more about her background and what drew her to take an AncestryDNA test as part of the DNA Discussion Project in a short interview.

What was the biggest surprise about your AncestryDNA test results?

I think what surprised me most was that I had a good amount of African ethnicity. My family story did not include any African roots.

On my mother’s side I’ve got heritage from Indonesia, the Netherlands, and Japan.

Kimberly's AncestryDNA ethnicity estimate.

On my biological father’s side I thought I might be part African – but I wasn’t sure.

Now I can proudly say that I am African American.

How do you feel knowing your results?

Seeing these results and having the full breakdown is absolutely incredible, mind-blowing.

All my friends say,

“You have such a unique look.”

Now I can tell them where I’m from.

And one of my goals after college is to travel to every country I have an ethnic tie to.

How does it change how you feel about the world?

Being able to show people I am these things, I can say, “I am no different than you.”

I feel more open, prouder to say what I am. This has been life changing.

How will your DNA make you see yourself differently? Take an AncestryDNA test to find out.