From the Weekly Journal to the Weekly Discovery

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When it comes to family history, we’re constantly learning. As our research progresses to a new era, a new location, or a new type of record, we have to learn new skills and refine old ones. For eleven years Ancestry has been e-mailing free newsletters to help family historians keep up with the latest news and tools of the trade and now we’re stepping up our efforts to keep you inspired and informed.

Ancestry has been expanding its educational resources to include webinars and a much more in-depth monthly newsletter—the “Monthly Update.” You’ve probably noticed the recent changes to the “Monthly Update” which goes out around mid-month to all Ancestry users. Click here to sign up or click here to check your email preferences. 
Now it’s our turn to get a facelift. Starting next Monday, you’ll see a new newsletter–the Weekly Discovery in your inbox. This will replace the Weekly Journal but will continue to provide the same high quality information you’ve come to expect from Ancestry.

We hope you enjoy the new Weekly Discovery and the 24/7 Family History Circle blog, which will continue (although newsletter articles will be posted in the Learning Center from here on out). If you have any ideas of topics for the Weekly Discovery, we are interested in hearing them.  Send your questions and ideas to [email protected]. We’ll do our best to incorporate your questions into future articles.

Have a great week!

9 thoughts on “From the Weekly Journal to the Weekly Discovery

  1. After having received the new newsletter, I am disappointed. The style of writing is nothing to which we had been used to receiving. Julianna and others wrote from a very personal style and not an abstract style which I feel that we are getting in weekly discover.

    I miss the tips that we received.

    I usually printed out the weekly journal so that I could read it and make notes. Having an article that says click for more is distracting. Often times I would pull up the weekly journal and go to other leads that were mentioned in articles.

    Change I do not mind, but if it continues this way it is not something that I will look forward to as in the weekly journal.

  2. I have enjoyed this blog format as opposed to the new format. It was great not having to look at other advertisements and distractions. I enjoyed reading other people’s comments to the articles. The changes eliminate creative feedback from your subscribers. It was great hearing from others who would answer questions or ask about items we all may have had questions.

    Change is good and needed. I think that Ancestry makes changes in a vacuum and anything that provides subscriber feedback is discouraged.

  3. It has been two weeks and I have yet to see the new Weekly Discovery. Whatever format it is in, I cannot locate it. I have seen a few articles in the Learning center, but it’s not intuitive as to what’s new and where to find them. There are also far fewer articles than what was available weekly in the 24-7. I don’t have time to search for articles in two or three locations. It was nicer when everything was presented on one page, ie… the 24-7. This new change has been a disappointment.

  4. Every time a change is made something is taken away from loyal subscribers. Bring back the Weekly Journal and the more personal format, the new Weekly Discovery is nothing more than advertising for

    You ask the subscribers for our ideas and what we would like but never listen to what we say.

    Mary Lou Gravatt

  5. I also miss the Ancestory Weekly Journal. It was filled with information and also personal stories that were interesting to read. The new Ancestory Weekly Discovery is a disappointment. I really don’t want to read the new one now. I hope you will consider listening to the subscribers and bring back something at least similar to the way it was. I especially enjoyed reading the articles Julianna wrote on her own family research.

  6. Pingback: From the Weekly Journal to the Weekly Discovery « Genealogy Blog Linker

  7. I DO NOT LIKE the new Weekly Discovery – I guess this is what it is called. The old Weekly Journal with articles from various writers was much more interesting. I do not like being referred to another page to finish reading the article. I also used to print out a copy each week and mark notes on items of interest. Today is the first time I have found an access to the 24-7 blog which is much more interesting. Guess that’s the way I will go. The bigger Ancestry gets, the less user-friendly it becomes.

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