Bad Baby Name Blog

Bad Baby Names blog.bmpBack in December, some of you may remember a tease we ran in the newsletter for a fun new book from Ancestry–Bad Baby Names: The Worst True Names Parents Saddled Their Kids With—And You Can Too! Well, the book should be available in the Ancestry Store in the coming weeks. But if you don’t want to wait for the book, you can read some “Bad Baby Name” stories now, you can now check out the Bad Baby Name blog at

There are already some cool posts and if you’d like to try your hand at choosing a bad baby name (without actually inflicting psychological damage on a child), you can test your skills with Assignment 1: Your Bad Baby Name. Here’s the challenge:

We’ve all heard stories about people with horrible names. In fact, my book is all about that. But the truth is that many people are not happy with their perfectly normal names. Here’s what I want from you:

If you could pick any name to be yours, what would it be? You can choose to change your first, middle, last, or any combination of the three. I’ll be okay if you change your name to something normal, but I’d really love it if you picked something awesome. Mine is Excalibur Scorpius Rayback (which you would know, if you read my book–remember how I have no problem with shameless self-promotion?).

Click here to submit your bad baby name.


11 thoughts on “Bad Baby Name Blog

  1. I have a gggggrandfather named Nimrod. His daughter named her son Nimrod also. I pity them both.

  2. Both my husband (now ex-) and I had the name “Hale” in our families, and we were having a hard time coming up with names that we both liked, but we both liked the name “Justin”. Three weeks afer we named our firstborn Justin Hale (followed by a last name), a highly amused friend teased us about our “stoner baby” JUST INHALE.

  3. My maternal grandfather’s middle was Ervin. He always hated it and would not let anyone use it. I didn’t even know what it was until I got married and he had to show his ID for something. I sneaked a look but did not say anything. I never let on that I knew because it bothered him so much. Personally, I don’t think it is that bad.

  4. It is indeed fun with names. My Grandfather hated his name of Allistair…was called Al. I always thought there are way too many “Sues” around thus I go by my full name mostly.
    In the early 1970’s I named our firstborn, a son, Eli. I got a lot of grief from both sides of our families that it was too old fashioned. When he was 6 months old I met my husband’s grandmother, Clara. She informed me that Eli was her late husband’s name. [husband’s grandfather] Elias and Clara—. No one bothered to tell me that before, but they could no longer complain about a ‘family’ name being past on. Fast forward to last year. My son Eli married Clare— and now there is another Eli & Clare with our surname. Just a slight difference of spelling.

  5. Our granddaughter, Amanda, named her daughter Emma because she liked the name, but then learned that my mother and my great- grandmother were both Emma and my paternal step-grandmother was Emma Amanda. Names seem to go in cycles every 80 to 100 years.

  6. My father was named Wilbert allegedly after a family friend.
    He hated the name and preferred William to Wilbert and wound up
    being called Bill. We named a son William in memory of my father.

  7. Valentine! Now there’s a middle name for a man. Both my husband and I have an ancestor whose middle name was Valentine. His was Percy Valentine, mine was John Valentine and of course, both were born on Valentine’s Day–not that we had any trouble figuring that out. Boys born on Christmas didn’t seem to get that as a middle name but Valentine must have been Mum’s choice. Surely not Dad’s!

  8. Conocí en el año 1972 a holly( harriet) lyman myers en Murcia(Spain)¿ es la misma que responde a harriet L. brooks?. Se casó en 1981 con william h. brooks.

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