Photo Corner: Harry Garwood, Ada Butterfield, and Magnolia Elizabeth (Todd) Lowman

Harry Garwood and Ada Butterfield, married in 1898 in Victor, Colorado



Contributed by Lynda Wilson Barlow
Harry Garwood and Ada Butterfield who were married in 1898 in Victor, Colorado.  Photo was taken shortly before their marriage by a lady photographer. 

Magnolia Elizabeth (Todd) Lowman, ca. 1890, Farmington, Arkansas



Contributed by Bob Curtis
Bob’s grandmother, Magnolia Elizabeth (Todd) Lowman, ca. 1890 when she was around 16-18 years old and hand colored. She lived in the northwest corner of Arkansas in the small town of Farmington.

Dressing for Research, by Mary Penner

Flowers and flagThe heat wave was unusual for Salt Lake City.  Five consecutive days with temperatures near 100 degrees with a repeat heat performance expected today. No problem. Wearing shorts, a T-shirt, and sandals, I left my motel and began an eight-block walk to the Family History Library.

This was my first trip to the FHL, so my excitement quickened my pace.  Before long, though, I slowed to a steady walk.  How freaking long are the blocks in this city anyway?  Plus, the bank thermometer flashed 83 degrees and it was only 9:30 a.m. When I finally slipped through the doors into the FHL lobby, the cool air-conditioned atmosphere was a welcome relief.

Sitting through the first-time visitor orientation, I noticed goose bumps popping up on my arms.  This room is a little cool, I thought. After the orientation, I plunged into the stacks, flipping intently through books.  Wait a minute, my toes and fingers feel cold.  In fact, I’ve got goose bumps all over and I’m starting to shiver. I looked around at the other researchers.  Long pants and sweaters were standard attire.  Was that person who just passed by wearing earmuffs?  No one told me it would be 47 degrees in here. Continue reading

1,003 New City Directories at

Astor House, NYC, from ihas added 1,003 new city directory titles to its collection for U.S. Deluxe and World Deluxe members. Grouped by state, the new directories include:

These databases include indexes and browsable images of the complete directories.  (Juliana is doing the “happy dance” now because she has some New York City directories to check out!) Continue reading

Organizing Your Browser Bookmarks, by George G. Morgan

Aha! SeminarsStaying organized is always a challenge. I often ask attendees in seminars how many people are caught up with their filing. Invariably there is a silent pause but perhaps one or two hands out of 75 to 100 attendees’ go up. We all know we have to do a better job with that portion of our work but I know from experience that it can be drudgery.

Not surprisingly, genealogical research is among the top uses of the Internet these days. If you’re like me, you find yourself researching at all hours of the day and night, even when you wake up in the middle of the night. We all have favorite Web sites that we visit often, some more often than others. As you have learned to use the Internet, you’ve invariably learned how to use the bookmarking feature of your Web browser, regardless of which one you use. In your excitement of finding a great site, you probably quickly add a bookmark or favorite place to your collection. However, finding that bookmark again may be like a search for the Hope Diamond!

Just as with the filing of other genealogical documentary evidence, you have to invest time into setting up some sort of organized filing system so that you can easily find what you want. They are your personal electronic reference library and you want to access them quickly whenever you need them. A frantic search only breaks your concentration span. I’ve developed my own bookmark organizational system and would like to share it with you. Continue reading

Weekly Planner: Record Family Expressions and Sayings

When you saw Aunt Muriel, you could be sure she’d greet you with a sunny smile and “Good mornin'”–whether it was morning, noon, or night. When someone fell or dropped something, Grandpa Pyburn would respond with “Oopala!” Aunt Chula called my sisters and me “Lil’ bit” and my grandparents always called us “Suzie Q.” When it was time to leave, we were “off to the races” and with my grandparents, most sentences ended with “. . . and all that.” Make a record of the expressions that are a part of your heritage. These tidbits will give younger family members a glimpse into the personalities of relatives they may not have had the opportunity to meet.