We've added a new feature to our Family Tree sharing options to make it even easier than ever to invite friends and family to collaborate. To share your family tree with others, navigate to the tree you would like to share, and select Sharing from the tree drop-down menu.Among the email and Ancestry messaging options, you'll now also see Shareable Link.Selecting this new option allows you to choose whether the invitee will be a Guest, Contributor, or Editor. (For more information about each role select the i' next to the role label.) Additionally, you will be able to decide whether living people in your family tree will be viewable.

When you have the options the way you'd like, selecting Create Link will generate the link for you.Clicking the Copy Link button will copy the link to your clipboard so that you can share it via email, instant message, text message, or any other preferred communication method.

After a link has been generated you can view whether it has been used or not, assign a nickname, change settings, or remove access from the tree settings page.We hope you find this enhancement makes sharing your tree easier than ever. We are always eager to hear what you think. One you've generated and copied a link you will see an option to share feedback with us.