With more than 30 years of dedicated experience in family history and the world's largest consumer DNA network, Ancestry gives people the best tools to discover their story. Since our inception, we have been transforming names into family and distant places into home. We unlock stories from the past and inspire people to find their connection to the world. Today, we announce that Ancestry will deliver ethnicity estimates with increased precision to its customers, through a new algorithm that analyzes longer segments of genetic information, marking an important evolution in the way we interpret DNA data. Having built and expanded our DNA reference panel, we have a better understanding of genetic signatures globally, can break down geographic ethnicity estimates with greater specificity and give you a more detailed picture of your origins. The rollout of our enhanced ethnicity estimates will take place on September 12, 2018 and with this update, new and existing customers can expect more precise results across Asia and Europe. For example, Scandinavia will be more clearly defined as Norway and Sweden and Asia East will be broken down into six regions (Japan, Korea and Northern China, China, Southeast Asia'Dai (Tai), Southeast Asia'Vietnam, Philippines). All updates to existing customers will be free of charge.

But we never stand still. Genomics is an emerging field and as a leader in this field, we remain committed to investing in what's next'. This next generation ethnicity estimate is one more way Ancestry is helping people discover, with greater detail, the stories of those who came before them.Go ahead. Find your story.